Año Petrovic De Enemigo a Idolo.

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Hubo un tiempo en el que para cualquier aficionado al Real Madrid nombrar a Drazen Petrovic era mentar al enemigo. Ocurrió a mediados de los 80, cuando la Cibona de Zagreb dominaba el baloncesto europeo y su estrella desquiciaba en cada partido al equipo español. Años después, Drazen fichó por el Madrid y el enemigo se convirtió en ídolo. En el 25 aniversario de la muerte de Petrovic, Informe Robinson reconstruye una rivalidad histórica, un fichaje insólito y una convivencia que, aunque sólo duró una temporada, se convirtió en inolvidable. Año Petrovic: un viaje que arrancó en odio y que acabó en admiración.

Dražen Petrović spent only one season in Real Madrid, but Real fans seemed to feel that he had spent all the time there. Real leaders agreed with Dražen in the utmost secrecy, and on October 27, 1986, he signed a contract with the most celebrated and the most legendary European club in Madrid. Nearly two years before the end of the contract with Cibona Zagreb, Dražen signed a four-year contract with Real, the contract contained a clause that he could leave before the expiration of the contract. Hall of Famer Mirko Novosel represented Dražen during negotiations and Antonio Arizaga represented Real Madrid. Novosel managed that Dražen, just five days after his 22 birthday, signed for that time an unimaginable contract worth more than a million dollars. Novosel was also able to extend his stay in Cibona for another two seasons, with playing for the national team and the Summer Universiade in 1987. Almost everything was planned for him in Barcelona. However, leading men of Barcelona were somehow reluctant and they said he should wait a day or two...Immediately Real came by and Dražen signed a royal club membership card. Everything was agreed in five minutes....
