America's Game: New York Giants 1986

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Ghosts come in a variety of forms. By the early 1980’s, the New York Football Giants had been haunted by a cavalcade of specters for over two decades. They were known as Frank Gifford, Sam Huff and Charlie Conerly echoes from the glorious Golden Age memories of what-they’d-been. The gloomy reminders of what-they’d-become appeared in the forms of Rocky Thompson, Craig Morton and Joe Pisarcik. Those apparitions periodically manifested themselves in the cruelest forms: deflected passes landing in the arms of opposing defensive linemen who return them for touchdowns and whiffed punts. The most haunting, of course, were the personal ones. The memories of those who were lost before their time: Troy Archer, Bob Ledbetter and Doug Kotar. The weight of these ghostly, yet at the same time all-too-tangible, phantoms had become unbearable. The 1986 New York Giants were a team in need of an exorcism...

Interviews with former NY Giants coach Bill Parcells, linebacker Lawrence Taylor, and quarterback Phil Simms are among the highlights on this NFL-sponsered program. The on-the-field action is mostly taken from the Giants' 39-20 victory in the 1987 Super Bowl against the Denver Broncos.
